NatsuHotsuki On Board

你好!我是 NatsuHotsuki,諧音那隻哈士奇。我喜歡玩桌遊,也喜歡用桌遊紀錄生活。這裡是我的桌遊部落格:NatsuHotsuki On Board,主要分享桌遊心得與規則翻譯,歡迎追蹤 Facebook 那隻哈士奇挖的桌遊坑 和我隨意閒聊,也可以在下方輸入 email 免費訂閱,收藏(?)部落格的每一篇文章。

P.S 需要查找文章的讀者,除了利用部落格的搜尋功能之外,也可以利用 Google 雲端上的文章目錄喔! 

P.S 網站設有 Google Adsense 廣告,如果不介意的話,也請大家將網站設為廣告阻擋的白名單,可以為網站提供些許維護費用謝謝大家! 


Hello there! This is NatsuHotsuki!

I have a deep passion for board games, find pleasure in translating board game rules, and truly appreciate how these games bring people together. I’ve also participated in localizing a variety of board games, such as Imperial Struggle, Brass: Birmingham, Hegemony, Raiders of the North Sea, Bitoku, A War of Whispers, Excavation Earth, 6: Siege, Rattus, and many others, from English into Mandarin Chinese.

However, what truly sets my heart ablaze is my unwavering love for Huskies!

Feel Free to contact me if you have any board game information to share!


Facebook: NatsuHotsuki On Board

Instagram: natsuhotsuki.on.board

輸入 email 免費訂閱,哈士奇寶寶會將最新資訊送到你的收件匣唷 (^˵◕ω◕˵^)

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